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Wave 7 Gallery
Margo Kirkwood
Margo has painted and drawn most of her life since early childhood. Although punctuated by long breaks the looking and observing never ever stopped. Henry Israel was an outstanding tutor in the 70s and taught her 'to see'. Rita Smith was also an influential tutor in the 90s during a Foundation Course. Margo paints from life as much as possible returning to her studio to push the work further. Though, often the swiftly executed pieces stand in their own right having captured a fleeting moment in time both visually and emotionally. Working in oil, acrylics and watercolours, Margo often uses torn papers and other texture-giving materials when a painting needs 'shaking up'. This is very satisfying and allows her to move forward once again if the painting is not working at the desired level. The image is then in a state of flux and this can often result in an exciting outcome.
Journeys End
53cm / 30cm
39cm /39cm
Going Home
57cm /57cm
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